Retail Basks In ‘Cloud’ Of Change

We live in a time when the virtual and real worlds are fast merging. The lines that differentiated them are now determining our position in the technological world. Customers are being ushered into advanced technology more often than ever before and connecting them in an innovative and effective way becomes...

Are your digital signage systems secure

Digital signage networks have witnessed rapid growth across multiple industries the past few years. Controlling content across multiple devices is a critical and highly responsible job. Especially when the display devices are placed in the public domain, securing the content becomes a very important responsibility. The pornographic video allegedly played...

Reaction to Digital Railways for Digital India

Mr.Nitesh Thattasery, CEO Founder of Waulite Technologies said, "Indian railways caters to millions consumers every day and those travelling represent one of the largest consuming classes of India. It’s a massive opportunity for brands to communicate with these travelers when they are waiting or moving. Travelers often look up to...